蘋果在觀看Bollywood News發現這則悲劇新聞,寶萊塢三大超級巨星之一的阿米爾‧汗(Aamir Khan)目前正面臨人生的悲劇,他與再婚的妻子基蘭失去了他們夫妻結婚四年來的第一個孩子,讓我們祝福阿米爾.汗與妻子能早日走出這個陰霾,更希望上天未來能再賜給他們夫妻孩子,祝福阿米爾.汗。
Aamir Khan faces tragedy
Everyone was wondering why Aamir Khan was not updating his blog the last few months.Well, he has a reason. He and his wife Kiran Rao are trying to come to terms with the lost of their first baby due to miscarriage.
Aamir revealed the tragic news after keeping silent for two months. “I have bad news folks. Kiran and I lost our baby. Despite our best efforts we were unable to avert a miscarriage. The last 2 months have been a struggle for us and that is one of the reasons I was absent from the blog in more ways than one. K (Kiran) and I need time to heal,” he wrote in his blog.
The news of Kiran’s pregnancy became public in June this year when she was admitted to Breach Candy Hospital.
Aamir has two children — son Junaid and daughter Era — with former wife Reena. The couple divorced in 2002 after a marriage of over 15-years.
Khan married Kiran Rao in 2005.