Akshay Kumar and Aishwarya look terrific together – Vipul Shah
阿克夏.庫馬爾與艾西瓦婭.雷熱熱鬧鬧的在一起 - Vipul Shah
By BW Team via IANS
Sunday, Apr 18, 2010
Mumbai, Director Vipul Shah, who is perhaps the first one to present Akshay Kumar and Aishwarya Rai as romantic pair in his upcoming film “Action Replayy”, is surprised with their terrific on screen chemistry and wonders why they weren’t cast together earlier.
孟買,董事Vipul Shah,誰可能是第一個提出阿克夏.庫馬爾和艾西瓦婭.雷德組合會是那麼浪漫,他對在即將上映的電影“Action Replayy”,讓他們吃驚極了兩人的大螢幕合作產生了驚人的化學變化和奇蹟,讓董事們訝異為何不早點讓他們兜在一起拍片。
“Akshay and Ash look terrific together. I am surprised that no one has thought of casting them as a romantic pair. They are outstanding,” Shah told IANS.