Aishwarya Rai is So Sari
Mon, 17 May 2010 at 7:30 pm
Aishwarya Rai hits the red carpet in style at the premiere of Outrage at the Palais des Festivals on Monday (May 17) in Cannes, France.
星期一(5月17日)在法國坎城艾西瓦婭.雷現身”Outrage” 電影首演紅地毯上。
The 36-year-old actress and her husband, Abhishek Bachchan, have been attending lots of premieres at the 2010 Cannes Film Festival! Which of Aishwarya’s looks is your favorite?
這位 36歲的女演員和她的丈夫阿布舍克.巴強在2010年坎城影展已參加大量的首映會!哪個 艾西瓦婭' 的扮相是你最喜歡呢?
Outrage is a story about gang violence in Japan. “I film violence in a way that the viewer really feels the pain,” director Takeshi Kitano said.
憤怒是關於在日本幫派暴力的故事。導演北 野武說: “我的電影暴力的演出方式,可以讓觀眾真的感覺到疼痛”。