Imran Khan and Avantika Malik to Marry Next Year
Imran Khan is set to marry his girlfriend Avantika Malik early next year!
But if you expect a big time ceremony with loads of people and grandiose festivities, thing again! At least when it comes to the legal part of the wedding; since Imran is Muslim and Avantika is Hindu, the couple has decided to marry in court in order to avoid getting lost in all the different parts of a Muslim and Hindu wedding ceremony.
"I am from a Muslim family and Avantika belongs to a Hindu family. I personally didn't want to commit our wedding to one religion or another. We felt the best way for us was that we would keep it neutral and have a court marriage. Even Danish, my director of Break Ke Baad, was in the same situation and had a court marriage too," Imran told reporters.
“我來自一個穆斯林家庭和阿瓦蒂卡屬於一個印度教家庭。我個人不希望我們的婚禮冒犯任何宗教或其他的事。我們覺得我們的最好辦法是將保持中立到有法院公證結婚。Even Danish是Break Ke Baad電影導演,他也是在同樣的情況,決定去法院的公證結婚的。“伊姆蘭告訴記者。
The couple is set to marry on January 8 next year. Congratulations!